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Determine your skin type and buy skin care products to suit your skin type. 

Normal Skin
Normal skin is smooth and firm to the touch with small or medium sized pores. It doesn't get too dry or too oily, and it only has the occasional blemish. People with normal skin should moisturize, cleanse, use a spot treatment, and maybe a night solution.
Dry Skin
If your skin feels very tight and is noticeably flaky in areas, then you have dry skin. Dry skin can be caused by lack of hydration or malnutrition. Dry skin can look rough and bumpy, and rarely gets oily. Those with dry skin should find a deep moisturizer, use a spot treatment, and use a moisturizing night solution.
Oily Skin
Oily skin is easy to identify. If your face is visibly shiny, and literally feels slightly wet to the touch then you have oily skin. Oily skin come with large pores that are more noticeable, and usually is more prone to blemishes. If you have oily skin, you should tone, exfoliate, use a spot treatment, and lightly moisturize once in a while.
Combination Skin
Combination skin gets a taste of just about every skin type. If you have combination skin, you tend to get oily around your nose, chin, and forehead area, and dry around your cheeks. The rest of your skin is pretty normal. A lot of people have combination skin. If you are among them, exfoliate, cleanse, moisturize, and use a spot treatment.
Sensitive Skin
If you burn very easily, have reactions to certain cosmetics, and have irritated skin after a dramatic change in weather, then you have sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is very hard to deal with because it isn't as durable as other skin types. You have to thoroughly test products before risking a purchase, and you find blemishes hard to treat. If you have sensitive skin, use a moisturizer, cleanser, and spot treatment all suitable for sensitive skin.

The right way to wash your face
1.Wash your hands first.
2Take off your make-up
3.Don't use too much cleanser.May irritate your skin
4.Be sure you are using the correct cleanser.
5. Don't scrubbing the cleanser on way too hard. Be nice to your face!
6.You’re rubbing your face with a towel to dry off. You would rather you pat your face dry instead.
7. Use clean towel. Using the same washcloth for more than a day or two can irritate your skin.
8.Don't use way-too-hot or way-too-cold water.Extreme temperatures can damage your skin as well and create more inflammation and irritation.

You are what you eat

Don't forget beautiful skin starts with nourishment from within.Eat the correct balance of foods.

Clear skin starts from within, and one of the best, cheapest and most effective ways to get there is to help your body flush out toxins by drink plenty of water. Not only will upping your fluid levels help to keep your brains fully functional and therefore better able to cope with stress, but it also replenishes water in the cells. Make sure you drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day, and drink more after exercise.

Strawberries have more anti-aging vitamin C per serving than oranges or grapefruit. And research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that people who eat foods rich in vitamin C have fewer wrinkles and less age-related dry skin than those who don’t.

Olive oil
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil don’t just benefit you on the inside,they soften your skin, too.Olive oil, a staple in the healthy Mediterranean diet, provides antioxidants to disarm free radicals and reduce inflammation. In addition olive oil into your daily diet, apply as a skin soother, as needed. If you have dry skin, you'll particularly benefit from topical application.

Green tea
Green tea contains a great deal of antioxidants which are effective against free radicals. These free radicals, which are formed when the skin is exposed to the UV rays of the sun, are accountable for premature aging.
The antioxidants found in green tea are also responsible in combating skin cancer by blocking the cancer causing harmful enzyme, junk.
This wondrous natural component is also responsible for the cell renewal process. The aged keratinocytes cells are biologically energized by the polyphenol compounds in green team, which in turn, synthesize the DNA and prevent premature aging of the cells.
In cases of acnes and pimples, green tea comes in great aid as the antibacterial content in it, known as catechins, reduces over stimulation of the skin hormones. Further, the overall appearance of the skin is also improved along with complexion when green tea is used as a drink or as a mask.

Pumpkin orange hue is from carotenoids, wrinkle-fighting plant pigments that help neutralize free radicals in the skin, keeping them from damaging the cells that fast-forward aging. “Pumpkin is filled with vitamins C, E, and A, as well as powerful enzymes that help to cleanse the skin. Plus, pumpkin has hydrating properties.

The pomegranate is high in vitamins and antioxidants. It has three times as many antioxidants as red wine and green tea, containing three types of polyphenols—tannins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Various studies suggest that pomegranate juice and/or pomegranate extract helps support the immune system and promote healthy blood circulation, control bad cholesterol and keeps arteries clear, reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke and the risk of certain 

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which helps to keep the skin firm and taut by aiding collagen production. They also contain lycopene: the red pigment which not only gives them their bright red colour, but also stimulates skin circulation.

How to treat chapped lips
Your lips are a focal point on your face. Smooth, healthy lips can make you look
more vibrant and attractive. People will notice your bright smile and be more receptive when you talk to them. Chapped, dry lips are a common problem because lips don't have any oil glands. Fortunately, it doesn't take long to heal chapped lips.

 The skin on the lips is thinner (allowing the blood vessels to be visible, making the lips look red) and has no oil glands (oil acts as a barrier for skin, helping to protect it from the elements). The result can be red, rough (and sometimes painful), chapped lips that couldn't hold lipstick color 
1.Take a water bottle with you wherever you go. Drinking enough water will keep the body, skin and lips hydrated.
2.Lick the smacking habit. Licking your lips damages the protective barrier, which can dry out the lips.Saliva contains digestive enzymes that can break down this barrier. Instead, regularly apply lip balm.
   3.Exfoliate when necessary. Lip exfoliators slough off dead skin, much like the ones you'd use on your face. "But if you have sensitive skin or your lips are severely chapped or cracked, use these products cautiously (no more than once weekly)
 4.Lips are susceptible to sunburn since they lack melanin, the pigment that helps shield skin from the sun. Apply a layer of a sun-protective product daily.
5.Matte lipsticks can be extremely drying (which helps these lipsticks stay put for so long). That's why you should use them sparingly when your lips are extremely chapped. Instead, alternate use of them with hydrating lipsticks.

Dry, flaking skin
Skin is driest in winter when humidity levels and temperatures plummet. 
Use more often your moisturizer. 
If your skin is also itchy, red, and bleeding, visit your doctor.

Sunscreen WHY?
Sunscreen use can help prevent melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma, two types of skin cancer.
Everyday application of sunscreen can slow or temporarily prevent the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. 
For total protection against damage from the sun, the skin needs to be protected from UVA, UVB and IRA (infrared light).
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor so you'd think it measures how well a sunscreen protects you.  However, that's only partially true.  There are three kinds of ultraviolet rays that come from the sun: UVA, UVB and UVC.  UVC rays don't reach the earth's surface so UVA and UVB are the one's you have to protect yourself from. 

Why Should wear sunscreen?
1. The ozone layer is depleting and your body needs shielding from harmful rays.
2. Skin cancer rates are on the rise and sunscreen has been proven to decrease the development of skin cancer.
3. It helps to prevent facial brown spots and skin discolorations.
4. It also helps to reduce the appearance of facial red veins and blotches.
5. It slows down the development of wrinkled, premature aging skin.

Skin care calendar
free download

Don't just grab whatever soap is in the shower or at the sink to wash your face.You just need to find skincare that works for you. Use a gentle cleanser or soap and wash -- don't scrub your face. Rinse with plenty of warm water, then pat dry.
If your skin is oily, use an oil-free foaming cleanser to wash your face. Rinse with plenty of warm water. You may want to use a toner or astringent after you've washed your face, but be careful because it might irritate your skin. They can remove extra oil, making your face less shiny, and help keep skin clear.
You may think you're too young to need moisturizer -- or your skin is too oily -- but all skin needs moisture. Moisturizers help keep your skin from drying out. Use it every day, no matter what skin type you have. Apply it while your skin is still damp from washing or rinsing to help seal in moisture. If you have acne or your skin is oily, find a moisturizer that is lightweight and oil-free, so it doesn't block your pores.

Your moisturizer may already have sunscreen in it. But it's a good idea to use a separate sunscreen, too. The sun can damage your skin in only 15 minutes. Even though you're young, you can get skin cancer. Look for sunscreen that works against both UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of at least 30. Wear it every day, even if it's not sunny and even if it's cold. The sun's rays can reflect off water, sand, and snow.

Apply a face mask regularly. Again, there are many options, peel-off masks are best for blemished skin, whereas rich, moisturizing masks are best for dry skin.
Use a nice, gentle, preferably natural face mask once a week or less, (any more often and you'll be over cleansing your face and confusing it).
You could also try to make a facial mask if you are low on money or want to try something totally natural.
Apply the facial according to the instructions on the packet, on clean, warm skin for best results, and rinse with cool water. Don't leave it on for longer than suggested.

Never go to sleep with makeup on
1.Clogged Pores. Never go to bed with makeup on. This can easily cause pores to become clogged and way larger than you want them to visibly be. Makeup, dirt and oil quickly build up to cause blackheads and whiteheads. The goal for skin should be pores free of debris, keeping them small so skin looks smooth and without the roughness visible pores can cause.
2.Wrinkles. Makeup is supposed help you look younger, but going to sleep with it on has the exact opposite effect. Leaving your day face on and skipping the night cream is a big no-no. Without proper hydration during the hours skin is rebooting and healing itself from the day 's elements, causes unwanted dryness that can lead to premature fine lines and wrinkles. Dermatologists cited a month's worth of makeup was the equivalent to aging a woman's face by 10 years!
3.No Glow. Without pores that are healthy, unclogged, and allow skin to breath in oxygen, you can kiss your natural radiance goodbye. Your makeup may look fabulous by day, but turns into a dangerous mask by night that sucks the life out of skin that would normally be vibrant and bright. To sleep in your makeup undoes all the exfoliating you've done to help slough away dry cells to allow new fresh skin to surface.
4.Breakouts.The inevitable result of clogging skin is irritation. From foundation that causes acne on the skin, to eyeliner and mascara that can trigger sties to develop in and around the eyes. During the day, skin faces the harsh elements, with makeup catching and holding onto many of these free radicals.

Why use a Serum
While facial serums can give you added moisture, the main reason you'd want to use a facial serum is to get added nutrients into deeper layers of your skin that a regular moisturizer is not able to reach. You can get many types of serums such as anti-aging serums, skin brightening serums and even acne preventative serums. You apply the serum after your toner and before your moisturizer.
A moisturizer has larger molecules than a serum. This means that a moisturizer will not penetrate the skin as far as a serum will. While serums deposit nutrients, moisturizers are meant to deposit moisture and hydration your skin.
 If you have a problem with your skin that you'd like to improve, such as dark spots or early aging signs, a serum can help. Also, if your skin is very oily, a serum can give you enough hydration. Serums are applied after cleansing and toning, but before your moisturizer. Ideally, apply the serum while your skin is still slightly damp from cleansing.  As with cleansing and moisturizing, don’t forget to include your neck and upper chest when applying the serum.Depending on the serum, you may see an immediate improvement. But most require about four weeks of consistent use for visible results.  After that you may find a serum becomes an indispensable part of your daily skin care regimen.

The benefits of natural ingredients to your skin.

Acne: Honey is naturally antibacterial, so it's great for acne treatment and prevention.
Aging: Full of antioxidants, it is great for slowing down aging.
Complexion boost: It is extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it helps create a glow.
Pores: Honey is clarifying because it opens up pores making them easy to unclog.

Egg yolk
Promotes skin elasticity and repair.Heals dry flaky and itchy skin.
Helps protects cells from oxygen damage by free radicals.
Useful in treating inflammatory skin conditions. Hydrates skin.
Slows down the skin aging process. Used in treating acne and pimples for clear skin.

Egg White
Whitehead Remover
Whiteheads are pores that are blocked with oil and other debris.  regular egg white masks with a dash of lemon will help remove whiteheads, while the protein in the egg whites helps to heal and nourish skin.
Skin Tightening
Soon after you've applied an egg white mask you'll feel your skin start to tighten. This effect usually lasts for about an hour after you've rinsed the mask off, giving your face a healthy glow and diminishing the look of fine lines. Some people believe its effects are similar to a short-term facelift. At the very least egg whites tighten pores and, once rinsed, remove dead skin cells.

Protection Against Sunburns.
The fleshy part of grapes as well as the extract of its seeds  are powerful antioxidants. Application of grape seed extract on the skin provides protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation. It acts as a sunscreen, by reducing the redness caused due to sunburn and also minimizes the damage borne by the skin cells.
Anti-Ageing Benefits.
Free radicals are the main cause of premature ageing which is characterized by the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. The antioxidants present in grapes, along with vitamin C, protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, and reverse the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots. Grapes also help in toning the skin.
Skin Softener
Grape seed extract is rich in vitamin E which retains the moisture of the skin. This extract also acts as an exfoliant. Scrubbing the skin with it results in the removal of the top layer of dead cells, thus making skin healthier and smoother than before. Grape seed oil is gentle on the skin and can be an excellent moisturizer. A massage with this oil is known to hydrate the skin.
Cures Uneven Skin Tone.
Green grapes are very effective in curing uneven skin tones. Squeeze out the juice of green grapes and apply it on the skin. Let it dry. Rinse the juice off after some time. This will help in toning the skin.
Lightens Scars:
Green grapes help in lightening the scars that are caused due to acne. Vitamin C in grapes encourages the formation of scar tissues and ligaments and helps to repair the skin.

Hydrates and moisturizes dehydrated skin.
Protect against free radicals that cause oxidative stress and prmature aging.
Heals dry withered skin. Fades acne scars and dark spots. Smoothens out aging skin.
Fights acne causing germs.
Necessary for the production of collagen. Fights off free radicals. For skin oil control.
Protects skin from UV damage. Slows down the process of aging. Fights free radical damage to skin cells.
Destroy bacteria that cause acne and pimples.
Nourishes skin. Strengthens connective tissue and helps maintain skin elasticity and strength.

Plain Yogurt
Natural Moisturizer and Skin Brightener
The lactic acid is a natural hydroxy-acid that helps exfoliate, hydrate and sooth skin.
Hydrating Scrub to Remove Dead Skin Cells
Yogurt is an excellent hydrating scrub to remove dry dead skin cells. This remedy is excellent for those with dry and sensitive skin.
Fights Pimples and Acne
Due to its acidic nature, yogurt destroys various acne-causing bacteria, fungus and germs within the body.
Reduces Blemishes, Tanning, Under Eye Dark Circles and Skin Discoloration
Yogurt contains zinc, which helps lighten blemishes and scar and prevents redness of the skin.
Yogurt effectively fights off free radicals and contains anti-aging properties that delays appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to appear on the face. The lactic acid in yogurt helps prevent premature skin ageing.
Fights Skin Infections
Cures Sunburn
Treat sunburns naturally with yogurt.

Avocados are rich in healthy fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that can improve your skin.
Avocados are a great source of antioxidant carotenoids like alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein. These free radical quenching compounds provide significant protection for your skin from the environmental damage that leads to fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.
Vitamin E assists in preventing free radical damage from oxidizing fats in your skin cells that lead to aging skin. Research studies have also demonstrated that vitamin E can reduce the effects of UVA and UVB radiation from sun exposure on skin.
Moisturizing Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
One of the main avocado skin benefits comes from their high oleic acid content. This monounsaturated fatty acid maintains moisture in the epidermal layer of your skin, helping to make it soft and hydrated. An omega-9 fat, oleic acid is also involved in regenerating damaged skin cells and reducing facial redness and irritation

Excellent Skin Cleanser
Strawberry has great cleansing properties.
Salicylic acid removes dead cells from the face while tightening the pores.
Ellagic acid being an antioxidant combats skin damage to maintain its youth and freshness. Thus, strawberries remove impurities and soften the skin as well as soothe allergies and other irritants and provide protection against pollution.
Improves Complexion
Strawberry has skin lightening properties.It is effective in removing age spots and freckles.
Skin Toner
Protection from UR
Anti-ageing Properties
Vitamin C and other antioxidants present in strawberries prevent damage caused by free radicals to the skin and body. Free radicals occur during the process of transformation of food into energy. Free radicals accelerate the ageing process and vitamin C is effective in blocking the damage caused by free radicals.
Treatment of Acne
Vitamin C, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), salicylic acid and flavonoids in strawberries help in clearing acne and reducing oil.
Diminishes Under-eye Puffiness
Strawberries are astringent in nature strawberries and can reduce puffiness and circles beneath the eyes.
Treatment of Pigmentation
Strawberries are rich in ellagic acid and oral ingestion of strawberry extract can cure slight hyperpigmentation caused by UV rays . They inhibit the synthesis of melanin, the chemical that gives the skin its color.
Skin Repair
Vitamin C in strawberries enables the body to grow and repair its tissues as it is involved in making collagen.

Natural masks.
Moisturizing and Soothing.

1 egg white separated from the yolk and placed in a bowl

1 tablespoon of plain yogurt.
Mix them up and apply to face. Leave on face for 10-15 minutes then rinse face in warm water.

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